Thursday, November 11, 2010

This makes me go "Hmmmmmmm"

Not much to write about today. It was busy and boring. I worked, and worked, and took my kid to acting class, did some homework, ate dinner, played on the computer.

See nada exciting. Wait, there was one thing that piqued my curiosity...something that made me go "Hmmmmm"...

My 13 year old. He makes me go Hmmmm frequently. 13 is a tough age. Too old to be a baby, too young to get to do much, just right at the verge of major teenaged angst....a difficult tine for kids and their adults.

So my 8th grade 13 year old has this problem with his homework. Now before you go jumping to any conclusions, I will tell you that he DOES his homework. He does it on time, he does it well, and he writes so beautifully. So what is the problem you ask??? Well, the problem is my 13 year old 8th grader NEVER turns it in to the teachers!!!!!

I have had to threaten him on more than one occasion to show up at school, and help him clean out his locker to find his papers. That always does the trick. Can you imagine the horror and utter dread my kid has that his MOTHER might show up at school?? GOD FORBID!! I am like his teddy bear.... loved but best hidden in the public eye. (and for those of you who might read this and know my kid, he does not have a teddy bear). I will deny deny deny...

I am hoping that all of my yelling until I am hoarse will have a positive impact on something other than my doctr bill, and he will get his head screwed on straight and do better next semester at school. We shall see.

I may just show up at school just because. Do youthink I should show up in my slippers with curlers in my hair? Or nasty sweat oants and my makeup smeared? Which will mortify the kid the most??

Just sayin'......

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